The inaugural Kick-Off Meeting of AGORA (TrAining younG researchers On shaping Metaverse for business and social vAlue) project within the AGORA MSCA Doctoral Network took place on Friday the 6th of October.
The inaugural meeting marks the beginning of an exciting journey towards unlocking the full potential of the Metaverse.
The AGORA Consortium is made up of prestigious institutions and organisations, each bringing unique expertise and perspectives to the table.
Consortium members include the University of Nicosia, the University of Sheffield, Audencia Business School, the Athens Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, INNOV-ACTS, the University of Agder and Maggioli.
During the meeting, each consortium member gave an insight into their respective work and contributions in the work packages of the AGORA project. The members of the consortium, from different disciplines and corners of the world, have set a strong precedent for collaboration, innovation and commitment.
For more information about AGORA, you can always check the blog posts section of our website.