The University of Nicosia is proud to announce that coordinates the groundbreaking AGORA project, an initiative designed to lead the way in understanding and shaping the Metaverse. As part of this project, we are thrilled to host and supervise three PhD candidates, offering them an exceptional opportunity to dive into the multi-faceted world of the Metaverse. These positions, commencing in September 2024, are part of the prestigious Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Doctoral Networks Industrial Doctorates (MSCA-DN-ID) program.


The AGORA Project: A Holistic Approach to the Metaverse

The Metaverse is poised to revolutionize online and real-world interactions, creating immersive digital spaces where physical and virtual realities blend seamlessly. Europe, aiming to lead in this sector, must address the emerging challenges in line with its values. The AGORA project offers a holistic understanding of the Metaverse by integrating technical, business, and social perspectives. It aims to prepare early-stage researchers for roles in academia, industry, and policymaking through a unique inter-sectoral network.

AGORA’s mission is to train researchers to navigate the complexities of the Metaverse, focusing not just on its infrastructure but also on its broader societal and business implications. By combining theoretical knowledge with hands-on industrial research and transferable skills training, AGORA equips researchers to publish high-quality work, commercialize their findings, and remain competitive on a global scale.


PhD Opportunities at the University of Nicosia, Cyprus

University of Nicosia and the Institute for the Future are excited to offer three PhD positions as part of the AGORA project. Each position is designed to explore different aspects of the Metaverse, providing a rich research environment and extensive support from leading academic and industry experts.


PhD Candidate for Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) in the Metaverse:

Description: This topic (i.e. DC1) focuses on DAOs. This research project will explore the foundational principles of DAOs, their operation within virtual environments, and their potential to create self-governing, transparent, and equitable digital communities. The candidate will investigate legal, ethical, and socio-economic implications, as well as challenges such as scalability, security, and user adoption.

Duration & Placement: 3 years, with 18 months in Cyprus and 18 months in Italy.

Supervisory Team: University of Nicosia (Cyprus), University of Adger (Norway) and Maggioli (Italy).

PhD Candidate for Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) and Asset Tokenization

Description: This position offers an in-depth exploration into the transformative world of NFTs and asset tokenization, examining how these technologies are reshaping digital ownership and value transfer in the Metaverse. The research will cover the technical, economic, and legal aspects of NFTs, their impact on various sectors, and the regulatory frameworks surrounding NFT transactions. The candidate will employ a multidisciplinary approach, integrating insights from computer science, economics, law, and sociology.

Duration & Placement: 3 years, with part of the duration in the United Kingdom.

Supervisory Team: University of Nicosia (Cyprus), University of Adger (Norway) and INNOV-ACTS (Cyprus).


PhD Candidate in Economic Models and Business Strategies in the Metaverse

Description: This research aims to explore the economic landscapes and business opportunities within the Metaverse. It will study virtual real estate, digital goods and services, and how traditional business models are being transformed. The candidate will develop innovative economic models and business strategies tailored to the virtual economy.

Duration & Placement: 3 years, with 18 months in Cyprus and 18 months in Greece.

Supervisory Team: University of Nicosia, Audencia Business School, and Athens University of Economics and Business.


Benefits and Support

The University of Nicosia is committed to providing an inclusive and supportive environment for all researchers. We offer a gross salary of 2,800.87 Euros, which includes living, mobility, and family allowances. Our positive company culture values diversity, teamwork, and employee well-being, fostering creativity and innovation through a diverse workforce.


Conclusion and Call to Action

While the application process for these exciting PhD positions has now closed, we encourage you to stay engaged with the AGORA project. Follow our journey as we shape the future of the Metaverse and develop groundbreaking research in this dynamic field!


Stay connected with us by following our social media channels for updates on the AGORA project and other exciting initiatives!


We are also planning to launch a newsletter soon, so keep an eye out for that.

For those interested in future opportunities, please keep an eye on our open vacancies page .


Together, let’s pioneer new frontiers in the digital world!